Zero Waste: Plant-Based Grocery Haul

Plant-Based Grocery Haul? Eating healthy doesn’t have to break your budget. This is a two-week grocery haul for $81.33 or $40.67 per week if you broke it up. I aimed for as much zero waste as possible with this trip. The plastic you do see is recyclable, however click list did sneak in a bag because I forgot to specify in the pick-up instructions (shame on me). It was $4.95 for using click list, but you can easily avoid this fee by going into the store yourself. For me, the fee is worth it as it allows me more time to spend with Mary Jane (my daughter not a euphemism).

Paired with pantry staples such as dried beans, rice, quinoa, lentils, pulses, legumes, gluten-free flour, spices and herbs, canned food, and frozen jar items – I can feed a family of 3 and guests. We generally eat through the entire haul but when a particular food item goes on sale, I stock up on that item and freeze it in Mason jars for future use. Also look for food items in jars as you can clean and re-use the jar to store dry bulk items. Remember, when you buy plastic or glass packaging, the cost of the packaging is included in the food price. So why not buy glass packaged food items and reuse them indefinitely! It will save you money as you won’t have to buy a mason jar.

On a side note, I have been putting in long hours and sleepless nights updating my website. A plethora of recipes are being archived and the site itself will be refreshed. You can expect to start seeing more of the following content next week: cannabis recipes, raw cannabis recipes, zero waste DIY, CBD recipes, sustainability tips, zero waste tips, and how to save money on cannabis and food.

Erik and I have committed to going Zero Waste. We have both always tried to be as green as possible, but we know the next step is aiming for a zero-waste lifestyle. Maybe it was me turning Vegan or him turning into a Flexetarian that caused an awakening. Or maybe it was some really good weed? Either way, I want to teach you all how to make little changes in your life that will help the bigger picture: preserving life on this planet for future generations.

Hi! I’m Chef Jessica Catalano!

A passionate professional chef and food lover who loves nothing more than sharing my favorite carnivore recipes with the world.




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