Raw Cannabis Time Wreck Chimichurri Sauce

During the summer months there is one thing that I crave intensely when I purchase fresh Colorado grass fed Buffalo meat, Chimichurri sauce. This delicious sauce hails from the beautiful South American country of Argentina. Versatile and healthy, this sauce can be used on anything from grilled meats, to fish, chicken, chorizo, grilled vegetables, and empanadas. There are many different versions of this recipe, which allows the cook or chef to make their sauce very unique and individualized. This sauce is the staple of condiments in the Argentinian household and can be compared to the American condiment of choice, ketchup, in popularity. When it came to pairing a specific strain with this recipe, I decided on a more spontaneous approach.

Seantron, is a professional extract artist and friend, who works out of Boulder, Colorado. Whether I need solventless hash, kief, or properly purged BHO extracts, this is the guy I trust as he uses all of the latest technology. I arrived at his house one evening with my fiancée, two dogs, and cooler full of mise en place for this specific dish. We were having a private dinner party where I cooked for all of the guests and he supplied me with a strain of my flavor profile preference. After requesting lemon and citrus flavor profiles and preferably a strain by Subcool, Seantron picked Time Wreck. A genotype to be reckoned with, it is the beautiful work of art by TGA Subcool Seeds, crossing Hybrid Blood Wreck x Vortex. Hungry yet?

This hard hitting strain has some of the most delicious terpenes I have ever tasted, creating a citrus fruit taste with undertones of lime and lemon dusted with sandalwood. At 70% sativa, this tasty strain comes on fast and strong with superb cerebral and pain relief effects. Serious anti-inflammatory and stress reducing properties are two additional effects that will have your body thanking you.

Food is not only a basic need but also medicine in itself. Healthy eating heals your body just as much as cannabis does. When cannabis is paired with a healthy dish such as lean Buffalo meat and an incredibly wholesome sauce, this double whammy of medicine will have you waking up the next day feeling like a new person. In reality, food is a form of art, and it is the only form of art that can be enjoyed with all five senses. Take this recipe, practice your plating skills, and let your senses revel in the rewards of your labor.

Mise en place:

  • Cutting board 
  • French Knife
  • 1 small bowl
  • 1 wooden spoon
  • 1 food processor (optional)
  • 8 servings of top sirloin or flank Buffalo steak (aged is preferred flavor wise) or Vegan Steak
  • 1 cup fresh parsley packed firmly
  • 1 cup fresh cilantro packed firmly
  • 1/2 cup fresh fan leaves with stems removed
  • 1 avocado
  • 1 lime
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • ½ cup Time Wreck olive oil infused with 4 grams (either infused buds or high grade extract)
  • ¼ cup finely chopped onions
  • Sea salt and red pepper flakes to taste
  • Black pepper


  1. Finely chop the parsley, cilantro, fan leaves, and garlic with a French knife then add to the small bowl. Cut the lime in half and squeeze one half of the lime over the mixture. Add the finely chopped onions and stir. Drizzle the Time Wreck olive oil slowly over the mixture while continually stirring with the spoon.
  2. Season the Time Wreck Chimichurri sauce with sea salt and red pepper flakes to your own personal taste. You can also put all of these ingredients into a food processor instead, if you want a less rustic sauce and more of homogeneous sauce.

Time Wreck Chimichurri Sauce Option two: If you wish to have more fun plating your food, creamier textures, and a sauce you can also use for sandwich spreads, then follow these next steps. Add the finished Chimichurri sauce to a food processor, and then add in one large fully ripe avocado. If the mixture gets too creamy, add a little extra olive oil until it reaches the consistency you like. If you wish for the mixture to be thicker, add a little more avocado until it reaches the thickness you like. 

Squeeze the other half of the lime onto your Buffalo then season with sea salt and black pepper. Grill or pan fry your Buffalo meat to either blue rare, rare, medium rare, or medium. Medium well would be fine but I would not recommend cooking a well done steak as I think it is both a waste and insult to the meat. The Buffalo that is pictured on top of the Chimichurri Avocado Spread is cooked to “Medium Rare”. Choose the meat preference that you enjoy most. 

This recipe yields 8 servings of sauce at 500mg each. You can also divide this recipe in half for 4 servings for a smaller meal. And remember, if 500mg is too high for you, you can use 2 grams instead of 4, creating 250mg per serving. If that is still too high, you can go down further to 1 gram which would yield 125mg per serving. Enjoy!